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/ Software Tool Chest / Software Tool Chest (CMS Software)(CDR-1760)(1994).ISO / networka / btfl14.zip

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File Comment
 ║            ─────────  THIS FILE WAS EXTRACTED FROM  ────────            ║
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 ║               T H E   S O F T W A R E   T O O L C H E S T               ║
 ║            Thousands of Utility Software Programs on CD-ROM!            ║
 ║ CMS SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTING, BOX 165, SEELYVILLE, IN  47878  812-442-0110 ║
 ║ * 600 MEGS Of Utility Programs           * Multi Line BBS Descriptions  ║
 ║ * Easy-To-Use File Retrieval System      * Sound & Music Utilities      ║
 ║ * Windows Utilities                      * Tons of Networking Programs  ║
 ║ * Linux Operating System                 * MUCH, MUCH MORE!             ║

Text (19)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BTCLONE.BAT DOS Batch File 17 380b 1992-02-07
BTCREATE.BAT DOS Batch File 23 535b 1992-04-23
BTFILER.BER Text File 100 2KB 1991-12-31
BTFILER.BOP Text File 47 1KB 1991-12-31
BTFILER.CF1 Text File 11 43b 1991-12-31
BTFILER.DOC Text File 1,902 75KB 1992-05-28
BTFILER.MNU Text File 104 4KB 1992-05-16
BTREBLD.BAT DOS Batch File 16 335b 1992-04-08
BTRESET.BAT DOS Batch File 10 225b 1992-02-17
CINSTALL.DAT Text File 1 24b 1992-04-06
POL.ASC Comma Seperated Value File 9 332b 1992-05-14
POL.DOC Text File 41 1KB 1992-05-28
POL.INX Text File 125 3KB 1992-05-17
README.BTF Text File 278 13KB 1992-05-28
REGISTER.DOC Text File 65 2KB 1992-04-30
SAMPLE.BTB Text File 156 5KB 1992-03-26
SAMPLE.BTS Text File 85 3KB 1992-02-18
SWOL.BAT DOS Batch File 3 23b 1991-12-24
SWOL.TXT Text File 22 1KB 1991-12-24

Other Files (5)
AMIMAP.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1991-12-31
BTFILER.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 197KB 1992-05-28
BTFILER.HLP Unknown 25KB 1992-04-03
BTFILER.MSK Unknown 18KB 1992-05-28
POL.DAT Unknown 8KB 1992-05-14